VTAC Training Terms of Service

These terms of service apply to any and all uses of VTAC Training services, regardless of whether they are conducted for a fee or not if at all.

You must not violate the law through the use of VTAC Training services. It is your duty to ensure you are not violating the law by using VTAC Training services.

VTAC Training reserves the right to take any appropriate measure to protect its integrity and the integrity and legal or contractual rights of our Users, Partners or Third Parties. This includes to deny Users access to VTAC Training services, to remove uploaded content, to delete user data, to terminate contracts, to report any misconduct performed through VTAC Training service to the competent authorities, including but not limited to whenever users engage in any of the following activities and if those could be linked to VTAC Training:

  • Violation of laws, regulations, the ToS;
  • Infringement of third-party rights;
  • Considerable impairment of VTAC Training’s legitimate interests;
  • Serious offense of VTAC Training, our Partners or any third party.

VTAC Training takes responsibility for our actions and for those of our partners in connection to them executing on a contract you may have with us. However, VTAC Training does not assume any responsibility for acts of third parties. Any potential infringements of your rights by third parties are for you to pursue directly against such third party.

Private content provided by you as a user shall stay private. We will not share it with others without your consent. We protect your personal information. Please visit our Privacy Policy here.

VTAC Training has no control of external resources provided by third parties and therefore does not assume responsibility for their content and availability, except to the extent that they act directly in fulfilment of your contract with VTAC Training. We use our best efforts to eliminate any content or offering by a third party via VTAC Training, if and when we become aware of any legal issues related to it. Therefore, please report any concerns or content related to third parties.

We provide access to VTAC Training using reasonable professional care. However, we do not assume responsibility for any damages or losses resulting from you accessing VTAC Training or your use of any third-party products or services that access data in connection with accessing VTAC Training.

In order for our service to function, you must share your data before you register, so that you can benefit from our support. Therefore, you must agree to our Terms & Conditions before you participate in VTAC Training services.

We do not assume liability for a loss of uploaded content or for its removal or deletion. It is your obligation to preserve copies of data that you provide to VTAC Training.